Fuimos a San Sebastian y Bilbao este fin de semana. Era bonita y increible. Oh wait... sorry. I just finished up my Spanish midterms last week where I drilled the past tense into my head. Sheesh good thing right after I finished my test I got to embark on the adventure to Pais Vasco, or Basque country! Emily, Callie, Brock, and I boarded our 6 hour train to Bilbao on Thursday, not really knowing what to expect out of our weekend excursion. We were definently being helped though, because everything in our transportation worked out for us, we found a metro straight to our hostel. That next morning we woke up at 5:30 to yet again figure out how to find the Termibus to San Sebastian about an hour away. We ended up finding it perfectly and almost 20 euro later (yikes) we were on our way to the beach! We were so lucky to have a beautiful day to enjoy the best city in Spain! Right away the people were so nice to us. They would walk with us to tell us how to get places. We chatted with all the Vascos, it was great. They spoke Castellano(Spanish) and Vasco(Basque). Basque is crazy, it is not like spanish at least in spelling, at all. It has z instead of s, k instead of c, and then throw in a bunch of x's. It was such a pleasent town, everyone had that laid back feel. When we were up in the neighborhoods, I could have sworn we were in England, it was so green, and the homes looked a certain style. We hiked around in the mountains, walked along the beach, and I even decided to take a swim. I was running ahead of the others just being entertained by the waves, and I didn't see a little hole in the sand ahead so I biffed it and fell in to water! Everyone said it was hilarious to watch. It was sweet though, because it was so hot I dried pretty quick. We met and awesome old man that was fishing off the wall above the ocean.(technically the Bay of Biscay). Alberto sat there and talked to us for awhile. It smelled awful while he was talking, I looked down and realized he was using poo for bait! It was all over his hands! We got a picture with him and he gave us a card with his address so we could send it to him so he could show his wife the pretty Americana's wearing skirts with beautiful bare legs! haha I took that as a complement! We loved Alberto! We all decided we should be more like the Vascos, and just be friendly and talk to everyone. We hiked up to a huge statue of Christ with a castle, it overlooked the whole bay. I got to dance with some band that was playing by the beach! I didn't realize I had such an audience, but when I finished they made me take a bow, and I got applause! Oh man, I loved everything about San Sebastian! I will put more pictures when Brock posts his, he was kind of the designated photographer!
Did you give the Basque your best bubbles imitation? Go Utes! All the fishing I have done over the years I never thought to use poop! Maybe I can try it on Strawberry this summer. The smell can't be any worse than the smelly bait that Mark D. uses.
Sounds like life is good. Enjoy to the max.
Love, Padre
Sick, no one will go fishing with you if you use poop. At least you should wear some gloves... maybe I'll skip out on the poop fish you bring home. Sounds fun. I would love to go to the beach! It was a really pretty picture. I agree, enjoy to the max man!
I guess if your nose doesn't work and you want a day all to yourself, try poop for bait. Sounds sick, what kind of fish eat that???? I can just picture your run down the beach and then the hole. What a goof you are. Not much longer left in Spain make the most of it! Love you!!!XXOO
I love how you did your Bubbles dance in Spain! That made me laugh! Don't you worry, I have been keeping up the Bubbles tradition in your absence...Clark just makes fun of me, but oh well!
Miss you!
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