Spain is such a unique place. I mean I am living in a completely different culture. So it is pretty obvious that there are things I see everyday that when I think about them, strike me a little funny. One being this problem that although the cars in Spain are all little euro cars, they leave about an inch of space between each other. I took some pictures finally after seeing this all the time. The only way they have to get out of their parking spot is to "bump" their way out. I named them bumper cars. All these pictures were taken on my street actually. Another quandary is also pictured. If there aren't any open spots, which usually there aren't people just double park. It is a very common practice in Spain. The picture actually doesn't depict it very well, but the other picture I wanted I couldn't take because the owners were standing outside their car. I guess cars aren't as valueable to people here. Today on my run I saw a man back right into a cement pole, and he wasn't a new driver. He jerked when the car hit, and then drove off! I wish I could have filmed it, I was laughing my head off!
Changing directions, I took a picture of my favorite candy I discovered here. Actually I didn't discover it, because honestly I probably would be too scared to try it if I saw it and didn't know how good it was. There are all different flavors, like green shell with pink inside(watermelon), greenish-brown shell with green inside(rootbeer?!), and my favorite is the one pictured pink with sour on the shell white inside! Nobody knows the name, but we all love them. I have gotten one for .20 euro at the Alimentacion one street from my house the last three days!
Just curious, what do the cars look like? Do they have tons of dents in them? Crazy, kind of like having your car in the Skyline parking lot!!!
It looks like Manhattan! Tori would just bump and bump the car in front and behind until she could get out. Are everyone's bumpers scuffed and dinged? Skyline parking lot mom...silly silly!
It is so crazy! I know silly mom(Skyline parking lot) speddy. The cars are all really small, tons of hatchbacks. There are a few smart cars too, which look like bicycles, I bet I could duel one on my bicycle and win.
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